Home LifeStyle Health Smoothly correct minor flaws with the teeth with Invisalign i7

Smoothly correct minor flaws with the teeth with Invisalign i7

Invisalign i7

Invisalign treatment takes different lengths of time for different patients depending on the specific oral condition of an individual. This age defining treatment has a number of systems ranging from Invisalign Full to Invisalign Express which can take anywhere between 18 and 3 months to correct your orthodontic problem. If you have some minor crowding issue to correct then it is likely your Invisalign treatment will deliver faster results, hardly within a few weeks. On the other hand if you have a complex bite condition then your treatment may last well past a year.

Invisalign i7 is a popular Invisalign treatment all over the world and the UK is no exception. It proves to be an ideal treatment to correct a range of minor orthodontic issues. As the name implies, the treatment includes up to 7 sets of clear transparent. But if your teeth need further movement then it is possible to add aligner trays to it. Dentists recommend this treatment in a large number of cases that include minor complication with spacing and crowding of the teeth. A dentist in London with years of experience in handling patients says it is also a tried and tested solution to correct cases of orthodontic relapse.

More about Invisalign i7

Let us now explore few basic and interesting facts about this cutting edge orthodontic procedure.

  • The treatment offers up to seven stages of aligners for each of your arches.
  • The treatment procedure is quiet simple; according to a dentist who offers Invisalign i7 at reasonable cost in London it does not include an A-P correction and treats the first premolar tooth to the first premolar tooth in a patient.
  • This innovative treatment brings predictable results within just three months.
  • Invisalign i7 treatment makes use of the same clear transparent aligner trays made from high grade BPA-free thermoplastic which other invisalign treatments also use.
  • The clear aligner trays remain virtually invisible inside your mouth and straighten your teeth discreetly much unlike fixed metal braces used in conventional orthodontics.
  • Invisalign i7 treatment includes ClinCheck treatment plan.
  • It also includes SmartForce features like Optimised Attachments and Power Ridge.
  • Thanks to the ClinCheck treatment plan and cutting-edge SmartForce features the treatment delivers predictable results.
  • The Invisalign i7 treatment allows you the option of partial treatment which improves your smile to a considerable extent. You can enable this option if your teeth cannot attain optimal alignment even with the seven sets of aligner trays.
  • Invisalign i7 is actually a great option to switch over to other Invisalign treatments like Full, Lite and Teen, etc. You should make this switching over before CliniCheck acceptance.
  • Furthermore there is the option for you to buy an automated refinement of clear aligners. This proves useful achieving the final position for your teeth defined in the approved ClinCheck treatment plan.

Reasons to choose Invisalign i7

If you suffer from minor orthodontic problems and prefer clear plastic aligners to correct those flaws then Invisalign i7 is your ideal treatment option. The i7 treatment time is quite short compared to other treatments that Invisalign offers. A simple procedure and effective results that the treatment provides are the major factors behind its sky rocketing popularity. 

The appliances or aligner trays are made from high grade, clear transparent thermoplastic which is completely free from BPA and is safe for your health. The removable aligners are comfortable to use and do not demand any drastic change in your lifestyle unlike conventional braces.

Reasonable price for Invisalign i7

Invisalign i7 is made up of up to seven custom fitted clear aligner trays for each arch of your teeth. The appliances offer higher levels of comfort. A dentist who charges a reasonable price for Invisalign i7 says the trays remain virtually invisible inside your mouth and provide discreet treatment.  It is important to take the aligner trays off from the teeth for a few hours religiously every day. In fact this is same for any other Invisalign treatment. This flexibility is one of the biggest wonders of Invisalign. It allows you to brush and floss the teeth normally and maintain optimal oral hygiene ion one hand while on the other gives you the option to relish your favourite foods and drinks. This is also the reason why Invisalign i7, just like every other Invisalign treatment, does not impose any dietary restriction on patients.

Invisalign i7 proves a great solution for those who suffer from orthodontic relapses. It is a common phenomenon for the teeth to sink back into their initial or original positions a few days or months after successful completion of an orthodontic treatment or the other. In such cases your only option is to realign the teeth again and Invisalign i7 is a tried and tested treatment in such situations.

An idea about the treatment cost

The cost of an Invisalign i7 treatment in the UK is likely to cost around £1,300. This is a reasonable cost by all standards and the cost of an Invisalign Full treatments starts from around £4500. According to dentists the cost is determined by several factors like the following –

  • The total number of treatments a patient needs
  • Time required completing the procedure on the patient
  • The location of the dental practice

Before you request a quote make sure to ask about the entire procedure including things you can expect. Ask them to give you detailed breakdown of the overall treatment cost so that you can compare quotes in depth. In case you need follow up treatments and then how will the practice help you in that circumstance. You must clear out all these factors while getting a quote for your treatment from a dental practice. Before taking the final decision it is also better to compare quotes. 

Invisalign i7 benefits

  • Invisalign i7 corrects minor issues related to alignment and spacing of the teeth and thus the results arrive pretty fast unlike many other treatments in modern orthodontics.
  • Invisalign offers clear plastic aligner trays that are custom fitted to your teeth. the appliances remain virtually invisible inside your mouth. Thus the range of appliances is much more aesthetically appealing.
  • These clear plastic aligners are easily removable and thus are easier to maintain.

Bayswater Dental Clinic is one of the best places in London for you Invisalign treatment. The practice has an amazing record in successful handling of Invisalign cases. We have skilled and experienced Invisalign specialists to help you get achieve your desired results.